Wednesday, August 20, 2014

not less noise

just less noticed... that is what happens when life gets busy and the focus of the brain is on rushing around just getting things done, interacting with others, taking care of business, and simply (or not so simply at times) in many more ways, living the life... the clutter remains, even if it is moved around a bit... no time to think about it, no less do something about it... must make time for laundry though... the constant screaming of the tinnitus gets lost in the hustle and bustle and concentration on other things, but it remains a constant distraction and much of the time, constant irritant to the subconscious which can have so many detrimental effects, the most serious likely to be reduced rem sleep, or at least reduced deep sleep, so the body and mind gets used to never being as rested as it can be which probably takes a decade or few off the life span, alas... it may at times stimulate creativity by irritating the mind and at times squash it, not just with fatigue, but with distraction... in the quiet moments, it leaves me wondering if anybody cares...

and does anyone share a similar experience...